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Unified Imaging offers a comprehensive suite of features for image management, designed with the modern Eye Care Professional in mind.


Upload Anywhere

Web based upload allows you to get your data into Unified quickly

Automated Integrations

ImageAnywhere monitors folders and automatically pulls data into unified. 


All Images, Always Available

View and Compare up to 8 images in one view

Create Your View

Customize your preferred views with simple to use drag and drop


Track what matters by syncing images or the entire grid to hone in on areas of interest over time or between two images

Quick Access

Open images one at a time, or all images from a date or test type in one click.

Imaging Tools

Pan and Zoom

Zoom, pan, move it all around… 

Brightness and Contrast

All of your images, always available.
View up to 8 images at once and take your viewing experience a step further with features like sync-view, RGB filtering and Image overlays.

RGB Filtering

Move from back to front easily by filtering fundus images between red, green and blue channels.   

Advanced Imaging Tools

Functional OCT Views

Upload your Dicom images, manipulate, track and play across the grid to match your analysis needs

DICOM B-Scan Scrolling

Scroll through OCT DICOM images and track your position with refrence lines

Simple Overlay

Track changes across layers and help patients get a better understanding of your eye health



The simple tag.  Ask your colleagues a question, document an ROI to track.  Tags in Unified are always evolving and are directly connected to our AI framework.  The more you use them, the more useful they become

Patient Sharing and Virtual Visits

Instantly and Securely share and collaborate on patient data with other providers or interact directly with your patients.  Unified makes collaboration as simple as sending email.  With our built in payment and live chat\video streaming, expand your engagement and insight into each patient. 

Optimize Your Chair Time

Spend More Time Focusing On Diagnostic Data and Less Time Managing It

Unify Your Practice

We'd love to work with you, let us know how we can help!